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Health Benefits of Setting Goals

If you feel like you are in a place where you are just going through the motions and letting things happen to you, it might be time to take control of your life. This is where setting goals comes in … Read More

6 Signs of Breast Cancer you Should Know

You probably know cancer develops due to the uncontrolled growth of cells. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and receiving increasing attention. It is the second most dangerous cancer after Lung Cancer. Breast cancer forms 12% of … Read More

How to Supercharge your Mornings

Set the tone for your day, week and month by starting your morning out right. These simple morning habits are sure to kick start your body and your brain into becoming energized, focused and on purpose. Lets get started! My … Read More

The What, Why, and How to Detoxing your Body

Toxins are everywhere! What are toxins? – Most people think heavy metals or pollution, but it goes a little deeper than that. Toxins can be undigested food – fats or proteins, excess hormones like too much estrogen, yeast overgrowth or … Read More

Lose Weight in a HEALTHY way

Almost 108 million Americans were overweight or obese in 1999. Until now, obesity continues to be a serious problem and is predicted to reach epidemic levels by the year 2020. One way to prevent this scenario is to make people … Read More

How to Decompress Daily

I have been a military spouse for over sixteen years now and have experienced my husband being away on “exercises”, “courses”, and a “tour”. Taking a part of my family away for any length of time puts additional strain, stress, … Read More

7 Things Women should know about Menopause!

Do you have irregular periods or do they vanish from a certain time? And you aren’t paying attention to it? It’s time to be conscious about your menstrual health. Your body always shows some signs before it goes through any … Read More

Clean, Healthy, Juicing

With spring in the air, most of us are ready for a cleanse, to start getting outside, and embarking on healthier options as we look forward to a sunny summer. Most people have a pretty firm grasp on what juicing … Read More

7 Survival Tips for Protecting your Energy

Have you ever felt drained, sick, over whelmed, panicked, headache-y or the need to retreat into a dark quiet room? Most likely you have and it’s probably because you’re energy is not being protected properly. It’s the same as needing … Read More

Creating your Movement Menu

A movement menu is a list of inspiring movement options for different fitness and energy levels as well as time constraints. Movement should be pleasurable, fun and exciting. Exercise should not be a chore that exhausts you, this should be … Read More